With so many available today, it is good to have a brand you can recognise. The Black & Decker EPL188K 18V Lithium Ion Cordless Drill / Kitbox with 1 Battery is certainly that and will be a perfect buy. For this reduced price, the Black & Decker EPL188K 18V Lithium Ion Cordless Drill / Kitbox with 1 Battery comes highly recommended and is always a regular choice for lots of people.
- 18V Lithium-Ion Drill with 1x Lithium-ion battery
- Drilling capacities: Mild Steel 10mm, Wood 30mm, Masonry 10mm; Max speed no load 0-1350 rpm;Chuck capacity 10mm
- Complete with kitbox
- The drill can be used in forward or reverse modes at the flick of a switch. The ergonomic soft grip handle design provides a secure and comfortable grip
- This drill is ideal for use by the serious DIY enthusiast and is also ideal around the home offering great performance and value for money.
Product Description
Features a 2 gear, variable speed motor which allows total control when drilling most materials.There are 24 torque settings to ensure that the correct amount of torque is applied to your particular application.