Best Review for trueCall Blocking Device with 140 Hour Recording Card

trueCall Blocking Device with 140 Hour Recording CardBest Review for trueCall Blocking Device with 140 Hour Recording Card

With so many available these days, it is good to have a brand you can trust. The trueCall Blocking Device with 140 Hour Recording Card is certainly that and will be a perfect buy. For this price, the trueCall Blocking Device with 140 Hour Recording Card comes highly recommended and is a regular choice with lots of people.

  • Stop silent calls
  • Record Malicious Calls
  • Integrated Answering Machine
  • Personalised Greetings and Announcements
  • Works on standard BT lines, cable lines and broadband lines

Product Description

The device remembers two lists of numbers: one list of approved callers, such as friends and families, and one of nuisance or telemarketing callers, which can be added as calls are received.

If the TrueCall device doesn't recognise the number from either list, it will ask the caller to give their name before letting the homeowner know that there is an incoming call. The device will then tell the homeowner the caller's name, and the homeowner can decide whether to take the call, have the caller leave a full message, or have TrueCall notify the caller that the homeowner does not wish to speak with them.