Best Review for Dewalt DWigg41 Rigger Boots Size 7

Dewalt DWigg41 Rigger Boots Size 7Best Review for Dewalt DWigg41 Rigger Boots Size 7

With so many available right now, it is great to have a brand you can recognise. The Dewalt DWigg41 Rigger Boots Size 7 is certainly that and will be a excellent purchase. For this great price, the Dewalt DWigg41 Rigger Boots Size 7 is widely recommended and is a regular choice for lots of people.

Product Description

Dewalt dwrig41 rigger boots size 7

Quality leather uppers with breathable lining. Durable rubber outsole which resists heat up to 300°C, and is resistant to fuel oil.
The sole includes a steel plate to withstand the penetration by nails and other such sharp objects.
The steel toe caps are resistant to 200 Joules toe protection and are compression tested to withstand a minimum of 15,000 Newtons (equivalent to over 1 tonne).
The leather is tested for tear strength to withstand a minimum of 120 Newtons.
Conforms to CE-EN-345-1. 1993.

Type. Rigger.
Size. 7.