Best Review for Ultimate Desk Lamp, Reading Lamp in Antique Gold with 20w Energy Saving Daylight Bulb

Ultimate Desk Lamp, Reading Lamp in Antique Gold with 20w Energy Saving Daylight BulbBest Review for Ultimate Desk Lamp, Reading Lamp in Antique Gold with 20w Energy Saving Daylight Bulb

With so many available today, it is great to have a brand you can recognise. The Ultimate Desk Lamp, Reading Lamp in Antique Gold with 20w Energy Saving Daylight Bulb is certainly that and will be a great purchase. For this great price, the Ultimate Desk Lamp, Reading Lamp in Antique Gold with 20w Energy Saving Daylight Bulb comes widely respected and is a popular choice amongst lots of people.

  • The Ultimate Table Lamp comes in Antique Gold and uses a 20w Daylight Energy Saving Bulb giving you superb lighting with minimal heat output. This allows you to use the lamp closely, whatever you are doing, without being uncomfortable
  • A contemporary, yet stylish, Daylight Lamp. This elegant Table/Desk lamp can be used in different positions - see picture below. The neck of the lamp is flexible and the head piviots so this is a very versitile lamp in todays home or office.
  • Please read Product Description below.

Product Description

This was originally designed as a needlework lamp and has been sold over the last few years in this way. For this reason the lamp is delivered with the fittings that can be added. The Ultimate lamp has in addition, 3 clever accessories. A work tray that fits around the bottom of the lamp. A magnifier on fleix neck and a clamp on flexi neck.These extras are not fitted as standard and do not have to be use in any way but the lamp comes complete with these.